At our clients’ request, we carry out detailed due diligence reviews, i.e., a comprehensive analysis of a company’s current legal standing. We identify existing and potential risks associated with planned capital transactions such as acquisitions, mergers, takeovers, or corporate restructurings. We recommend the actions necessary for the proper functioning of the entity under review in any given situation.
The findings of our due diligence are used in decision-making processes concerning capital and structural transformations, as well as in a variety of negotiations.
As part of negotiation preparations, we produce so-called “vendor due diligence,” namely an opinion detailing the weaknesses of a given entity—particularly those areas and structures that might be crucial to potential buyers. Conversely, this report is intended to prepare the seller for potential negative arguments raised by business counterparts during negotiations.
At the management’s request, we also perform legal audits of specific organizational areas (e.g., procurement or sales) to identify any irregularities and infringements of established processes. This aspect is crucial for ensuring the legal security of corporate management, particularly regarding the liability associated with holding a given position.